Let’s Talk Education
By Kevin Bushey | Tactical Civics™ – Maine

In 1837, Horace Mann was appointed Secretary of the newly formed Mass Board of Education. Mann, a former politician, was backed by the powerful Harvard-Unitarian elite (intellectuals) who felt Mann could implement what Harvard grad William E. Channing (Unitarian church leader) wrote to Mann: “If we can but turn the wonderful energy of  this people into a right channel, what a new heaven and earth must be realized among us!”[1] The Bostonian-Unitarian (socialist) vision of perfecting man and eradicating evil by man’s effort by controlling public education utilizing the Prussian education model was now entrenched in Mass education with Mann leading this effort. So began the path to state education boards and eventually the unconstitutional Federal Department of Education, dictating to all 50 states national education controls that were birthed by the Unitarians philosophers pushing man (creature) vs. God to free humanity from evil.  Too bad these elitists didn’t understand Romans 1:25:  “Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen”.

David Zuniga, author and Founder of Tactical Civics™, posits: “It takes time to learn what Americans have not been taught for five generations. Learning basic civics and teaching it to others” is something patriotic Americans must do to “break down the downward spiral of hopelessness leading to apathy”.[2]  This hopelessness was predictable when one reads Mann’s attitude going into his secretary of Ed job: “Those that were for the public school movement were the ‘enlightened’ and those opposed it or suggested alternatives were the ‘powers of darkness’”.[3]  See how Romans 1:25 applies here?  Isaiah 5:20 also comes to mind: “Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness…” We must reverse this worldview. I believe the creators of the Plymouth Monument knew this as they developed the five pillars: Faith, Morality, Law, Education & Liberty.  We’ll explore these pillars further in future columns.

So, how do we learn how to teach others the truth that the education cabal has kept from us? Zuniga, along with his brain trust of repentant men, have created a long term plan, called Tactical Civics™. The goal of Tactical Civics™ is to restore a repenting remnant of We The People to become educated on how to implement constitution enforcement utilizing the two law enforcement tools stipulated in the Constitution. One of the first objectives is to launch and build a Tactical Civics™ chapter in every county. Aroostook County has a chapter.  Learn more about the mission, goals and objectives and how you become a chapter member by visiting https://tacticalcivics.com. You can contact us via email at: tcaroostook@gmail.com.

[1] Samuel L. Blumenfeld, Is Public Education Necessary? (Boise, ID: Paradigm Company, Boise, ID, 1985), 188.

[2] David M. Zuniga, Tactical Civics, HS Edition (Printed in US, ISBN 979-8-4265-3322-6, 2022) 14-15

[3] Blumenfeld, 189



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