As I reviewed the graduation articles for UMPI and UMFK, I was reminded of my tongue lashing sent to the Bangor Daily back in Dec 2016 when UMaine leadership used the Orono boys basketball team to promote the “equality” agenda in solidarity with Duke at a nationally televised game in November 2016. Some things never change. As for the articles, I find it so coincidental that UMaine honors their past supportive County Democrat legislators (David McCrea-UMPI: Honorary Doctor and John Martin-UMFK: a Distinguished Service Award and Letter of Sentiment presented by Troy Jackson on behalf of the legislature to Martin). No doubt the fact they are both running for office again played into those recognitions (those that follow the progressive ((dark path)) agenda seem to enjoy constantly giving each other awards).

The same UMaine system and its leadership that pushed the equality agenda would have us believe the Dems know what’s best for Maine, and so the likes of Martin, Martin and McCrea (the County threesome), need to be back in Augusta ( I wonder what Danny Martin did or didn’t do so that he got no UMaine recognition as he is re-running too)?

My prediction is all three of these fellows will be back in Augusta, UMaine leadership will continue its “equality” agenda, and UMaine students will further suffer their dark agenda. When I ran against Martin, at least I was able to get his “fake sustainable development” ($30K+) salary taken from him, yet I suspect UMaine figured another boondoggle to give Martin so he can keep UMFK alive for another Augusta budget cycle. Maybe voters have awoken, and I’ll see a different outcome come election day. Thanks to Dave Deschesne in helping me expose old John 4 yrs ago.

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