Alex Ouellette, formerly a Mapleton resident, and now a Special Assistant at the White House, recently shared these facts about the US Postal Service (USPS):

CORRECT THE RECORD | Democrats Spread Baseless Conspiracies About the Postal Service


While Democrats try to spin the Postal Service’s problems into a new conspiracy theory, USPS has had financial troubles for years.

·         The Postal Service’s pricing and business model has not kept up with costs and changing circumstances.

·         The Postal Service’s financial difficulties is nothing new – the Postal Service has faced over $78 billion in losses since 2007.

o   The GAO called the Postal Service’s current business model “not financially sustainable.”

·         According to Postmaster General DeJoy, the Postal Service is closing in on $11 billion in losses for 2020.

o   USPS has operated at a loss for years.

·         Even the Obama Administration suggested cuts to USPS services multiple times in an effort to address the organization’s troubles.

o   Obama’s 2013 budget would have ended Saturday mail service and forced the Postal Service to raise postage prices.

o   In 2014, the Administration again called to end Saturday service, while adding further service cuts and delaying prepayments for future retiree healthcare.

o   Around 14,000 mailboxes were removedduring the Obama Administration.

Democrats and the radical left are spreading conspiracy theories about the Postal Service that have no basis in reality.

·         The left has spread misinformation about the Postal Service and the election.

o   Recently, the unhinged left spread images on social media of a few mail boxes that were locked as evidence of some vast conspiracy.

o   The truth is the Postal Service has already notified states of actions they need to take in advance of the election to ensure timely delivery of ballots.

·         Speaker Pelosi claimed that seniors’ social security checks are in jeopardy – when the truth is Social Security checks are provided to Americans electronically now.

o   From the Social Security Administration: “If you apply for Social Security or Supplemental Security Income benefits, a new law went into effect March 1, 2013, requiring that you receive your payments electronically.”

Democrats are trying to manufacture controversies about the Administration’s assistance to the Postal Service to score political points.

·         The Postal service was recently provided a $10 billion loan, which they haven’t even begun to use yet.

o   U.S. POSTAL SERVICE: “Access to an additional $10 billion in borrowing authority will delay the approaching liquidity crisis.”

o   According to their own reports, the Postal Service has enough cash on hand toremain liquid through 2021.

o   The Postal Service actually has a record amount of cash on hand.

·         The President established a task force that developed recommendations on how to improve the Postal Service’s financial situation.

·         President Trump wants to reform the Postal Service in order to fix its structural, long-term problems, while Democrats just want another bailout that fails to fix the problems.

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