More information on sustainabile development can be found if one knows where to look. The following information was found in a report published for the United Nations Environment Programme and printed by the Cambridge University Press. V.H.Heywood, Executive Editor, and R.T.Watson, Chair.
Copyright, United Nations Environment Programme 1995.The quote below is from Chapter 11, pages 791 and 792.
(ISBN # 0 521 56481 6)[paperback] “Development and transfer of technologies relevant to the sustainable use of biological diversity.”

“One of the most consistent of the Agenda 21 themes, and one of the most intractable of issues, concerns access to technology (Rath and Herbert-Copley 1993). Among the proposals under consideration are: to increase the flow of information about environmentally friendly technologies; to increase industrial self-regulation (On page 789, Command and Control is cited as necessary); to increase the importance of markets in allocating values, and to promote improvements in environmental performance of industry in the South. This issue was widely discussed during the intergovernmental meeting of scientific experts held in Mexico in 1994 (UNEP 1994). It ranges from environmental impact assessment techniques to ecosystem management techniques and integrated land use, biotechnologies, new and renewable sources of energy techniques, less wasteful lifestyles, consumption and production patterns, family planning techniques and economic and financial instruments.

The issue of access to technologies is about how to develop endogenous capacity to access, adopt, manage and apply environmentally improved technologies. However, there are difficulties in identifying appropriate kinds of ‘clean’ or environmentally sound technologies to promote in developing countries. Environmental sustainability has not been a major consideration among mainstream innovation policy and management researchers(Winn and Roome 1993), and the literature on ‘green’ innovation policies is relatively small and dispersed among the literature on environmental management, environmental economics, risk assessment and economics of innovation.

Much of the literature on environmentally sound industrial innovation suffers from the difficulty of identifying and describing those variables linking the technical and social dimensions that are accessible to management, policy or political interventions. Mechanisms and instruments of deliberate social choice, especially ones that are feasible under regimes of democratic governance, are a relatively unknown part of the non-market selection environment.”

//End Quote//

Let me now give you my interpretation of the double speak (to confuse us) in this little section about sustainable development.

First: Agenda 21 is real and the UN boasts it by printing this document.
Two: the UN’s goal is to push environmental friendly technologies (think solar, wind, elec cars, etc), increase self-regulation (means to control everything you do regarding energy- smart meters on homes, smart appliances, elec cars, public transportation,etc). If you use too much, we’ll charge you more or cut you back..
Three: integrated land use, biotechnologies (think land place in conservatory- you don’t get to keep your land, and implanted chips and transhuman exploits for human evolution).
Four: Less wasteful lifestyles- you don’t need that big house, we’ll put you in vertical housing in cities where we can better control (track) you.
Five: Family planning techniques- we don’t want you having kids, in fact, we will increase the world wide abortion numbers to depopulate the earth. There are too many of you contributing to the carbon problem (that is the hoax by the way).
Six: the word Endogenus is defined as ” originating internally”, so context in the paragragh, the UN is saying, they will grow internally how they want you to access all these technologies.
(more control mechanisms by the technocrats who think they run the world)
Seven: They aim to connect the technology to the social dimensions (technocracy is the goal- we the intelligencia, will dictate through bureaucracy(we own the politicians), gov’t policy, and pushing democratic governance (that is mob rule) and control the masses with our social platforms to adhere to our will. We designed them for you dumb world citizens.

Well, a long post, but very much needed as I continue to peal back how sustainable development is already underway in District #151. You’re gonna want to stay to the final post on this subject because if you are voting November 3, you have a most critical decision to make. Until my next post, enjoy the WHO once again: We Don’t Get Fooled Again.

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